Automatiza tu estudio con Zapier
Integre Jammed con miles de aplicaciones de terceros
Integre Jammed con miles de aplicaciones de terceros
Today Jammed launches our free Zapier integration. Zapier is a fantastic tool to help you integrate Jammed with any system you can think of. There are over 30,000 different applications on Zapier, and you can combine Jammed with any one of them to suit your business processes and requirements. It might help in your business plug the gaps where Jammed doesn’t quite fit (like accountancy systems, mailing lists, SMS reminders and others).
Click here to read more on the Zapier website
You can connect Jammed to Mailchimp with Zapier, so that for each new booking you get, you can add a consenting customer to your studio’s Mailchimp mailing list. Each time we take a new guest booking for you, the customer is added into your list. This is then fully automated, and builds up a customer email database for you automatically while taking bookings on Jammed - neat!
If you wanted a way to filter and sort bookings being made on Jammed, you could connect a Google Sheets spreadsheet to Jammed. For each new booking that gets made, a new row can be added on to the sheet. You can then use this raw data for graphs and report
You can also setup a daily digest, so you get a run down of all the Jammed bookings made that day. It can be sent just to you, or a list of your staff you choose - helping to automate your studio.
We currently don’t have SMS sending in Jammed (we’re looking to add it ‘properly’ next year), but for those who want it now you can setup an account with ClickSend or Twilio and send an SMS to customers an hour before their booking.
To enable Zapier on your Jammed account, go to the Website Settings and at the bottom of the page enable it. Then create an account with Zapier, and search for ‘Jammed’. Back on the ‘Website Settings’ near the bottom of the page lists all the credentials you’ll need to link Jammed with Zapier. If you want a demo or a hand with it, just reply to this email & we can meet on a call to go through it.
Vea cómo Jammed puede ayudar a su estudio de música
Jammed es creado por un equipo experimentado que continuamente agrega nuevas
características y funcionalidades para ayudar a que su negocio prospere.