Ajouté le 4 avril 2022

Télécharger et partager de l'audio

Stockez et partagez en privé des enregistrements musicaux avec des artistes interprètes ou exécutants en ligne

Today we're launching our major new audio sharing feature in Jammed! It's a cloud sharing service that allows you to securely and privately store and share music recordings with your performers online. And the best part is? It's free for all Jammed accounts! For now it's invite only, so if you want to try it out, let us know

Upload and share

Jammed now takes your studio to the next level: we take the work out of sharing files with customers, by emailling them a simple link to all their recordings - you just upload the original full quality versions and we take care of splitting them into tracks, transcoding for preview quality and distributing them to your customers. And soon for repeat customers that record with you regularly, they'll be able to sync their chosen podcast app to Jammed, and automatically get their recordings from your studio - the files once ready will just be downloaded to their device automatically - neat!

Preview files for customers

Any type of music upload is fine: .flac, .wav, .ogg, .aac, .mp3 are all supported. We transcode this master copy to 196 bit MP3 for the web, to a preview version that's ideal for playing online. Typically, this reduces the file size down significantly - but if your customers want the original quality version of the recording, they can download this from the same page as the preview. Both the original music file and preview file count towards your storage space.

100GB for free

We're offering all paying studios 100GB of free storage space, which is enough for around 700 hours of MP3 audio. If you upload hour long .flac files though, this limit may be quickly reached. Over this amount, you can choose to add more storage at £10 per TB per month. If you want a huge amount of storage, let us know & we'll do a deal.

You can just use the free storage amount, and remove older recordings when close to your limit and we'll never charge you, or you can store all of your audio - it's up to you. Your other subscriptions (like Dropbox) can be cancelled, saving you money. Start uploading and sharing with your customers today.

Invitation only (oooooh!)

If you want to try out this new feature, just reply to this email and we'll enable it on your account. It also will only available to paying customers and not to trial accounts.

Découvrez comment Jammed peut aider votre studio de musique

Jammed est créé par une équipe expérimentée qui ajoute continuellement de nouvelles
caractéristiques et fonctionnalités pour aider votre entreprise à prospérer.

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