Jammed Estudos de caso

Creative Street Studio

Fazer reservas era estressante e demorado antes do Jammed

Marieke estava procurando um aplicativo de reserva de estúdio para ajudá-la a administrar seus espaços criativos de maneira suave e confiável para aliviar o estresse do processo de reserva.

Before Jammed, I did not have a booking system. It was just able to send out an invoice and they'd pay me, but then I might have to chase them… or they'd want to pay on the day [of their booking] and it wasn't feasible for me. An unnecessary load of stress.

Marieke Macklon - Creative Street Studio

Outros aplicativos de reserva eram caros e não tão flexíveis

A solução precisava ser flexível o suficiente para permitir que seus clientes reservassem exatamente o que desejavam on-line – um quarto, dois quartos, uma hora, o dia inteiro – e tinha que ter uma boa relação custo-benefício. Ela ficou satisfeita ao descobrir que Jammed não apenas fazia tudo isso, mas também se encaixava na estética de sua marca, o que também era importante para ela.

Lots of booking systems were just confusing or not made for what we've got. Jammed was really suitable. It's easy to use, easy to link to the website… We were hunting down for a really good one, something that wasn't expensive, but also we want it to not look boring and I think we wanted to make sure that the app worked with our brand. Jammed is really eye-catching as well.

Marieke Macklon - Creative Street Studio

Jammed está economizando tempo de gerenciamento e ajudando a reduzir custos

We now just say 'go to the website to book' and it's easy and done. It saves time - time is money literally

Marieke Macklon - Creative Street Studio

A Creative Street não precisa mais de alguém para lidar com reservas, liberando seu tempo para gerenciar o espaço. Eles usam o Square para receber pagamentos de reservas com o Jammed e ficaram satisfeitos com a facilidade com que esse sistema funcionou para eles e com quantos clientes já estão familiarizados com ele.

As reservas estão em alta

Ter um aplicativo de reserva rápido e intuitivo ajudou a Creative Street a aumentar sua base de clientes. Mais pessoas estão reservando e mais estão voltando.

Before, we had a 'book now' button but they had to email us first. The website design is better and it's now just ‘book now' - they actually get to book it online straight away. So it definitely has increased our customers. It's also much easier for people who've never booked on a website before or those who are quite new to this whole booking a studio. So in that sense we get many more customers because it's just easy to book

Marieke Macklon - Creative Street Studio

Jammed oferece suporte ao cliente claro e oportuno

Marieke ficou aliviada ao receber um atendimento ao cliente tão bom da Jammed ao configurar o aplicativo e aprender o funcionamento. Não importava a hora do dia em que ela precisava de ajuda, Jammed estava lá com conselhos e suporte úteis e fáceis de entender.

Amazing. Amazing! Andy is amazing! No, but seriously, it really really helped because we are obviously not into tech. So with our emails and all my questions, it was clear the way you guys were answering. It's clear. It's done. So yeah, incredibly incredibly great customer service, spot on.

Marieke Macklon - Creative Street Studio

A Creative Studios recomenda Jammed, “1.000 vezes, sim!”

Marieke parece impressionada 😊

Yes, obviously, yes. 1,000 times yes! Absolutely. We're already talking about you to a few other studios that have asked.

Marieke Macklon - Creative Street Studio