Added on 23 May 2022

12 hour times & audio uploading for all

Changes to help studios in the USA. Audio is now available to all studios

12 hour time setting

The first new feature in Jammed will be a big help to our USA customers - you can now change all the times in Jammed to use 12 hour time (e.g. 2pm instead of 14:00). This setting changes the Jammed admin as well as the customer booking app. Find the setting in Website Settings & the setting will take immediate effect.

Audio uploading

Audio uploading has come out of beta testing and is now ready to use for all paying subscribers to Jammed. If any demo customers want to see this in action, reply to this email & I can demo the feature to you. Subscribed studios can upload 100GB of audio to any booking & then share it with customers, all for free. A big thank-you to all the studios that helped in the testing of this!

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